In this blog, we explore and critically analyze the nature of pastry. If you have a potential pastry you would like examined, please email a photo of said alleged pastry and it will be considered. If you would like an answer key and the results of our study you may request it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bao Revisited

There has been some degree of controversy around this post. To clear things up, I would like to introduce The Skeptic.

Pastry Analyst 1: i did bao

The Skeptic: you've never even had bao

Pastry Analyst 1: so?

The Skeptic: so what do you know about bao?

Pastry Analyst 1: i saw a picture. i wrote a very informed blog post

The Skeptic: you know nothing of its texture, its taste. it's like reading a review of a movie and then writing a review of the movie based on that

also, you make another assumption about the flakiness

what do you know about its flakiness? you've never had one

it flakes, just in a different way than, say, a croissant

it flakes. its sweet.

Pastry Analyst 1: its pork

The Skeptic: you're confusing flaky with crunchy

Pastry Analyst 1: pork is savory

The Skeptic: bbq pork

Pastry Analyst 1: its not flaky

The Skeptic: bbq is sweet

it flakes

it doesn't crunch

Pastry Analyst 1: it crumbles

The Skeptic: it doesn't crumble

croissant crumbles

your worldview crumbles

Pastry Analyst 1: croissant flakes

The Skeptic: bao doesn't crumble

Pastry Analyst 1 : your mother flakes!!!!

The Skeptic: you should probably just have this conversation be your bao post on your blog

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cheese Danish

Dear Loyal Readers,

I apologize for the lull in posts. The culprit: a particularly odious cheese danish.

Normally, I am a clear advocate for pastries and potential pastries everywhere. I am staunchly pro-pastry. However, the cheese danish has betrayed my trust.

One morning a week ago, I went to a local bakery to buy some breakfast goods. I really wanted one of those Dominican fried savory cheese pockets, so I naively pointed at a square-croissant looking thing and asked, "Does this have cheese?"

"Yes," she replied, and then my fate was sealed.

It did have cheese. Sort of like rotten over-sweet cheesecake mushed inside a sticky croissant facade. Was it a pastry? Arguably. It was (apparently) intended as a breakfast food, it flaked, it was sweet. And aren't danishes the pastry centerpiece of the Continental Breakfast?

The morning ended with me picking out gelatinous cheese filling on a subway platform so I could eat the croissant shell, as passerby watched in abject horror and disgust.

Is this what we've come to, pastry?