Pastry Analyst 1: i did bao
The Skeptic: you've never even had bao
Pastry Analyst 1: so?
The Skeptic: so what do you know about bao?
Pastry Analyst 1: i saw a picture. i wrote a very informed blog post
The Skeptic: you know nothing of its texture, its taste. it's like reading a review of a movie and then writing a review of the movie based on that
also, you make another assumption about the flakiness
what do you know about its flakiness? you've never had one
it flakes, just in a different way than, say, a croissant
it flakes. its sweet.
Pastry Analyst 1: its pork
The Skeptic: you're confusing flaky with crunchy
Pastry Analyst 1: pork is savory
The Skeptic: bbq pork
Pastry Analyst 1: its not flaky
The Skeptic: bbq is sweet
it flakes
it doesn't crunch
Pastry Analyst 1: it crumbles
The Skeptic: it doesn't crumble
croissant crumbles
your worldview crumbles
Pastry Analyst 1: croissant flakes
The Skeptic: bao doesn't crumble
Pastry Analyst 1 : your mother flakes!!!!
The Skeptic: you should probably just have this conversation be your bao post on your blog